An unreleased report from the CDC has been kept hidden from the public as its findings could trigger an even greater divide among society than what currently exist. But at the same time, understanding and accepting the report’s findings could lead to a remedy in solving problems that have become a plague on our society.
It’s always been known that the Coronavirus is airborne and typically enters the body through the nose. While those infected suffer respiratory ailments, there is also the loss of the sense of smell and taste. Scientists have wondered how the relationship between the loss of olfactory senses and respiratory issues are linked. Autopsies of COVID deaths have focused on the lungs and respiratory system. But recent studies of the brains in deceased COVID victims have discovered an alarming decay of brain cells of the frontal lobe; specifically the amygdala (a-mig-de-la).
The amygdala, which there is one in each brain half, helps coordinate responses to things in your environment, especially those that trigger an emotional response. This structure plays an important role in fear and anger. In addition to initiating the fight-or-flight response, the amygdala also plays a role in fear learning. This refers to the process by which you develop an association between certain situations and feelings of fear. The amygdala is located adjacent to the olfactory region. Scientists are now theorizing that the virus enters the nose, infects the orbitofrontal and piriform cortexes and eventually infects, or “hijacks” the amygdala by over stimulating its activity. Left to spread, infection reaches the limbic cortex. This part contains two structures, the cingulate gyrus and the parahippocampal gyrus. Together, they impact mood, motivation, and judgement.
Scientists have concluded that over time, coronavirus infection stimulation of the amygdala and limbic cortex causes humans to lose their ability to reason, separate facts from fiction, increase levels of anxiety and paranoia, become extremely agitated when challenged and all while denying any changes to their emotional state. The infection also makes a person more likely to be influenced by others; especially a demagogue who plays on the fear of their followers. They also concluded the infection of the amygdala could be the first sign of exposure to the coronavirus and could be active in spreading throughout the frontal lobe long before symptomatic signs are exposed. Therefore, a person’s judgment and social and emotional responses are impacted while never having any of the known virus symptoms.
Scientists are now experimenting with current COVID vaccines to determine if the antibodies are reversing, or can reverse the effect of the virus on the amygdala. There are hopeful, initial results that simply taking the vaccine is the first step in suppressing excessive stimulation of the amygdala. But depending on the severity of the infections, brain cell return to normal responses could take months or years.
These findings raised some interesting questions on whether or not the COVID-19 strain is natural or manufactured. One theory suggests the strain is manufactured as a byproduct in developing a mind control drug. Whether the drug was to be used for treatment of psychotic illnesses or as a military weapon is not yet known. But what is known is for decades, governments have routinely tested mind altering drugs to assist in obtaining secrets from their enemies or developing more obedient soldiers.
But the theory more widely accepted is the COVID-19 strain is natural and came from bats as originally announced. This theory is supported in the fact that so many people are simply “batshit crazy”.