Abortion Is Not For Me To Decide

Unless as a male, I get pregnant and am forced to make the decision whether or not to carry a child for nine months, I think all men should recuse themselves from the argument over abortion. If my wife, daughter, granddaughter or sister was to get raped or be impregnated in anyway against their will, or the life of the mother and/or baby was in danger, then it should be the decision of the woman to decide if they should have an abortion or not.

Defending it on “religious beliefs” is a weak argument. The scriptures are full of incidents where God either killed children or allowed children to be killed. Noah and the Great Flood: Was there not children in the population of the humans who did not board the ark and perish in the flood? What about the destructions of Sodom and Gomorrah? In Exodus, many babies were killed by the Pharaoh in attempt to stop the birth of Moses. Then later, God intervened by the killing of the first born males of Egyptians as punishment to the Pharaoh for resisting Moses’s warnings (a.k.a. The Passover). Then in the New Testament, you have killings of male children in an attempt to keep the Messiah Jesus from fulfilling the prophecies. In the history of the human species, there were and continue to be atrocities committed in times of war for a multitude of religious, cultural and geopolitical reasons resulting in the death of innocent children, both unborn and living,

For those arguing that an unborn baby could eventually grow up and find a cure for cancer or free clean energy or other spectacular discovery, they could also become the next Hitler, serial killer or inventor of a new weapon of mass destruction.

Having male dominated governments dictate to women who has possession of their bodily functions is archaic and demeaning. Especially when these same governments fail to offer support, both mentally and financially, to mothers having to deal with unwanted children. And don’t get me started on how these blowhards talk about protecting the unborn when they allow children to be slaughtered by gun violence on the streets and in their homes and schools.


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