Several times each month over the past four years, I’ve been getting mail addressed from the Republican National Committee or from Republican PACS, representatives, candidates or Trump loyalists. But the mail is not addressed to me. It’s addressed to my father (who has been dead since 2017) or his wife (who has been dead since 2015). Not only have they’ve been dead, they’ve never lived in my state. They lived and died in Florida. His wife (not my mother) never had any reason to mail anything to my address under her name. The only items that came to my address under my dad’s name were documents and bills that I managed as an executor of his estate. Of course, they are asking for opinions on “important’ topics such how loyal you are to Trump and more important, begging for your financial support.
At first. I would play along and return the surveys with absurd comments about the survey topics (i.e. bomb Mexico, eliminate all elections and have the President assign state representatives, issue everyone free guns and ammo, etc.). I would revise their address from mine to the cemetery in FL where they are buried. For financial information, I would pledge $100 per month and list Visa 3662 5387 8677 8257 (the numbers correspond with letters on a phone key pad). expiration date of 11/2016 and security code 666. After awhile, I then changed my survey responses to be all pro-Democrat Party and include an invoice for aggravation charges. However, the mailings continued and increased in frequency. The cost of postage become too much for me to reply. Today, I simply trash the mailer unless it includes a postage paid return envelope. Bottom line is that they don’t seem to have up to date voter’s registration records. Maybe it’s the Republicans and not the Democrats who padded the vote counts in the last Presidential Election (and maybe in 2016 too).